Material: brass
Size: 2.2 in or 5.5 cm
Weight: .9 oz or 25g
Light: blue-green

Wand of Horus

The Wand of Horus is an amazing new design named after the energy amplifier rods used by ancient Egyptian Pharaohs. This pendulum emanates a powerful blue-green light that is incredible for healing and manifesting your desires.

When you want something to happen or wish for improved health or ideal circumstances, you can either send blue-green energy or transform the existing energy into blue-green.

This pendulum accomplishes this every time it is used. Isn't that cool?

Furthermore, blue-green represents the energy of the throat chakra. You can utilize this pendulum to help you express yourself and promote healing of throat chakra related issues.

During healing sessions, you can hold this pendulum over a witness card or directly over a person's body. For in-person healing, I suggest placing it over the individual's throat chakra, as the blue-green light aligns with this particular chakra.

Alternatively, you can simply hold it in the air when issuing pendulum commands.


  • Rapidly heal the throat chakra for enhanced self-expression and communication.
  • Facilitate improvements in health and revitalization.
  • Experience enhanced energy and overall well-being.

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $39.00.

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