Color Healing with Pendulums

Colors can promote wellness and healing. In this course, we are going to explore the use of color for Pendulum Healing and teach you easy-to-follow protocols to tap into the healing power of color. The result will be that you can skillfully send color energies with your pendulum to positively influence any situation requiring healing. You will learn both simple and advanced techniques. The course is open to anyone and requires only that you know how to send a pendulum healing command, dowse a semi-circle chart, and that you have at least one high-vibration healing pendulum.


Course Includes:

  • 24/7 online access
  • Detailed handouts
  • Direct contact by email to answer questions
  • Topic discussion in the course

“This course was fantastic. I loved how the step-by-step learning made it easy to grasp all of the concepts. I would watch one video and then spend the next day practicing it before I went on to the next method. That was very helpful so that I didn’t feel overwhelmed with all of the content. I love how easy it is to incorporate color healing into the pendulum work. I loved the class and would highly recommend this class for anyone starting out with pendulum healing or for those practitioners who are trained in other healing modalities. Thank you Erich and Kathy for your attention to the details and your desire to share this with others.” – Juanita E.

“I really loved this course, I am experimenting and trying every way to use it. I am really excited about using it more and more and getting more confident with it.” – Manuela S.